• The Book of Matthew,  Uncategorized

    The Book of Matthew

    Blessings to you, one who is LOVED by our Abba, with an everlasting love. Almost ten years ago I had a group on Facebook called “Wisdom Seekers.” I wrote Monday through Friday about a chapter in the Bible. I encouraged my readers to read the chapter for themselves, ask the LORD what He was telling them, and then respond. I have been pondering starting this again, but here, and not on Facebook. We will probably not go in order of Books, but we will go as I feel God leads. I encourage you, the reader, to come along on this journey. We will go together one chapter at a time.…

  • Uncategorized

    God Gives Me Hearts

    Over the past few years I get an almost daily reminder of His love for me. I will be walking with my friends and I see hearts. Many times I stop walking to take a picture, but sometimes I just walk by with a smile knowing God is giving me hearts. I never get the same heart and my eyes are always drawn to the hearts He gives. Each time I see a heart, I feel the love of a Father to His daughter. Each time I am overwhelmed by His goodness to me. Through the hearts my Abba gives me I am constantly reminded that He sees me. I…